
The Norwegian Cancer Symposium 2024

June 27, 2024 13:16
Last Edited:
June 27, 2024 13:33
The Norwegian Cancer Symposium 2024

In 2024, the Institute for Cancer Research at Oslo University Hospital turns 70 years old (established in 1954). The institute is OUH's largest single investment in research, has more than 380 employees spread over seven sections and constitutes Norway's largest cancer research environment, focusing on basic, translational and clinical cancer research. In addition, the institute houses parts of two Centres of Excellence (CanCell and PRIMA), a Research Center for Clinical Cancer Treatment (MATRIX) and is involved in several KG Jebsen centres. Furthermore, the institute is one of the largest laboratory research environments in Norway, accounting for more than one third of the scientific production in the OUH Cancer Center (OUS CCC) as well as a large share of innovations in the life sciences. The institute has also been instrumental in building a national initiative for precision cancer medicine and in the development of cell gene therapy. 

The institute marks 70 years with an anniversary symposium - 9th Norwegian Cancer Symposium - at The Hub, in Oslo 9-10 September with support from Hydro's Fund for Cancer Research. 

The program includes 15 speakers (of which 11 are international) distributed over 5 sessions in addition to an opening lecture. The program reflects the breadth of cancer research taking place at the institute. There will also be two poster sessions and eight short lectures selected from submitted abstracts. All registered participants are encouraged to present their research in the form of posters! 

Kjetil Taskén, head of the Institute for Cancer Research, would in particular like to highlight the opening lecture by Douglas Hanahan entitled "Hallmarks of Cancer in 2024". Hanahan together with Bob Weinberg wrote the famous review article "The Hallmarks of Cancer" published in Cell in 2000, that appeared in new editions in 2011 and 2022 (cited more than 80,000 times in total). 

More than 250 internal participants from the Institute for Cancer Research have so far registered (we expect more than 300 from the ICR). In addition, there will be speakers and invited guests. Registration is now also open for other participants. This is a great celebration of the institute and Norwegian cancer research, so take the opportunity to be part of the event! 

More information about the program and the speakers is available on the symposium website. Here, you can also register (self-cost price). The deadline for early registration is 8 July, and the late registration deadline is 5 August. The abstract deadline is also 5 August. 

Kjetil Taskén, on behalf of the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee, would like to invite YOU to this event.

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