Research Centres for Clinical Treatment (FKBs) are to carry out frontline research to improve treatment for Norwegian patients. One of MATRIX's primary research tasks is therefore to conduct clinical trials open for patients with hard-to-treat cancers. Patients throughout the country will be given the opportunity to take part in these studies.
MATRIX's overall goal is to improve survival and quality of life for patients with hard-to-treat cancers through precision cancer medicine. The Centre will contribute to increase the number of available clinical trials in Norway and also increase the number of cancer patients included in such studies. It is important that patients throughout Norway are included in the clinical trials, and Matrix therefore wants to identify principal investigators locally and have study sites around Norway.
Researcher-initiated studies involving MATRIX partners can contact the Center for two types of support:
Advice from the Clinical Trial Engine: a low-threshold offer for researchers located in Norway in connection with planning a new clinical trial. MATRIX WP4, located at Oslo University Hospital, can provide up to 20 hours of free advice. Contact the CTE directly by e-mail:
Operational support: Researcher-initiated studies involving MATRIX partners can register their trials in an online form (see below) and ask for some per-patient operational support.
Potential new trials connected to MATRIX, must aim for patient benefit, either by offering precision cancer medicine, improved diagnostics or because it will extend the expected lifespan or improve the quality of life of the patients.
For advice (see section above), please contact the Clinical Trial Engine directly via OUSHF PB CTO
A form to register researcher-initiated clinical trials in Matrix and to request some operational support, is available here for PIs affiliated to MATRIX partner institutions. MATRIX can only participate in trials with a Norwegian sponsor.
The overall ambition of MATRIX is to extend the lives and improve the quality of life of patients with hard-to-treat cancers. The Centre will actively involve patients in treatment decisions, and user participation in research is very important for MATRIX. In particular, patient involvement is important in work package three and five. Here, the team will develop and implement digital patient-centred care pathways, where content and follow-up of the patient is adapted to each individual. Input from patients will therefore be essential here.
The purpose of user participation in research is to improve the relevance of the research by ensuring that the users' perspective, experiences and needs are reflected in the research. MATRIX has from 2025 appointed a user panel, and user representatives from this committee will interact with the various working groups and Centre management on a regular basis. In addition, the MATRIX Board has members representing patient organizations.
MATRIX-RARE – Drug repurposing in hard-to-treat cancers – is a new national clinical trial led by
Åslaug Helland where patients with rare and aggressive cancer subtypes will be offered precision
cancer medicine outside indication in earlier treatment lines. The trial opened for patient inclusion in
February 2025.
More information about this trial is available on the MATRIX-RARE website: