National Clinical Network

MATRIX is a national research Centre, and the clinical network consists of sixteen hospitals with cancer departments that represent all the four health regions in Norway.

The Ministry of Health and Care has expressed a clear goal and wish that Norway should offer precision medicine to its citizens as part of an integrated line of treatment within the public health care system. The aim is to offer patients more precise and targeted diagnostics and treatment, while avoiding treatment without effect.

The Norwegian government in the Commission documents for 2019 and 2020 explicitly asked for initiatives that would accelerate the implementation of precision cancer medicine (PCM) both for research and standard patient care in the Norwegian healthcare system. Thus, in the last couple of years, targeted work has been performed to implement PCM at a national level in Norway, and a separate ecosystem has been funded and built up since 2019 to be able to offer cancer patients systematic use of molecular diagnostics and precision medicine. MATRIX collaborates closely with and will builds on the initiatives already established:

  • InPreD – a national network for precision diagnostics. This infrastructure includes all six university hospitals in Norway that use advanced molecular diagnostics, which are subsequently reimbursed by the public healthcare system.

  • IMPRESS-Norway – a national researcher-initiated clinical trial opened in April 2021, which contributes to targeted cancer treatment based on precision diagnostics. The study is open to patients who have an advanced cancer where there is no longer a well-established treatment alternative. Altogether, 17 hospitals in Norway with cancer departments participate in this trial.

  • CONNECT – a public-private partnership driving the implementation of precision cancer medicine in Norway.

  • INSIGHT-INCLUDE – a cluster which, among other things, looks at health economics and reimbursement models, ethics, statistics, legal aspects and management in relation to precision medicine in cancer treatment.

MATRIX will from 2025 also work closely with the two new proton centers in Oslo and Bergen.

Read more about the Norwegian precision cancer medicine initiatives in Taskén K. et al.:
A national precision cancer medicine implementation initiative for Norway. Nat Med. (2022) DOI: 10.1038/s41591-022-01777-4


National Clinical Network

Our national clinical network consists of fifteen hospitals with cancer departments that are all partners in Matrix and are located all over the country. The participation of hospitals in all health regions will facilitate that Norwegian patients get the opportunity to participate in studies as close to their own homes as possible.

Helse Sør-Øst

Innlandet Hospital


Dr. Daniel Heinrich

Deltagende avdeling:

Sykehuset Innlandet HF
Postboks 104
2381 Brumunddal

Oslo University Hospital


Dr. Åslaug Helland

Deltagende avdeling:

Oslo Universitetssykehus HF
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo

Sørlandet Hospital


Dr. Filip Segers

Deltagende avdeling:

Sørlandet Sykehus HF
Postboks 416, Lundsiden
4604 Kristiansand S

Telemark Hospital


Dr. Ørnulf Paulsen

Deltagende avdeling:

Sykehuset Telemark HF
Postboks 2900 Kjørbekk
3710 Skien

Vestfold Hospital


Dr. Karin Semb

Deltagende avdeling:

Sykehuset i Vestfold HF
Postboks 2168
3103 Tønsberg

Østfold Hospital


Dr. Andreas Stensvold

Deltagende avdeling:

Sykehuset Østfold HF
Postboks 300
1714 Grålum

Helse Vest

Haukeland universitetssykehus


Dr. Line Bjørge

Deltagende avdeling:

Haukeland Universitetssykehus HF
Postboks 1400
5021 Bergen

Helse Fonna


Dr. Hanne K. Småge

Deltagende avdeling:

Helse Fonna HF
Postboks 2170
5504 Haugesund

Helse Førde


Dr Jaroslav Bublevic

Deltagende avdeling:

Helse Førde HF
Postboks 1000
6807 Førde

Stavanger universitetssykehus


Dr. Bjørnar Gilje

Deltagende avdeling:

Stavanger Universitetssykehus HF
Postboks 8100
4068 Stavanger

Helse Midt-Norge

St. Olavs universitetssykehus


Dr. Åsmund Flobak

Deltagende avdeling:

St. Olav Universitetssykehus
Postboks 3250 Torgarden
7006 Trondheim

Sykehuset i Levanger


Dr. Oluf D. Røe

Deltagende avdeling:

Helse Nord-Trøndelag HF
Postboks 333
7601 Levanger

Ålesund sjukehus


Dr. Jo-Åsmund Lund

Deltagende avdeling:

Helse Møre og Romsdal HF
Postboks 1600
6026 Ålesund

Helse Nord



Dr. Astrid Dalhaug

Deltagende avdeling:

Nordlandssykehuset HF
Postboks 1480
8092 Bodø

Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge


Dr. Egil Blix

Deltagende avdeling:

Universitetssykehus Nord Norge HF
Sykehusvegen 38
9019 Tromsø