The ESMO 2024 Congress brought together 34,000 professionals from various oncology disciplines to explore the latest advancements in the field. Members of the PRIME-ROSE consortium actively participated to share their work, interact with a broader network, and learn from new data presented at the conference.
Over the past year, the PRIME-ROSE consortium has made significant strides in achieving its objectives, including presenting a new approach to integrating clinical data from several DRUP-like clinical trials. This network, which includes 24 partners across Europe and multiple ongoing trials, will incorporate data from individual trials.
PRIME-ROSE, a collection of individual DRUP-like clinical trials, focuses on data sharing and aggregation to enhance patient care through cross-border collaboration. Tina Kringelbach from Copenhagen, Denmark, coordinates the PRIME-ROSE cohort merging efforts and presented our concept in the meeting.
PRIME-ROSEis working closely with the EU4Health-funded project PCM4EU, which emphasizes precision cancer medicine diagnostics. Hans Timmer from Leiden University Medical Centre,The Netherlands, highlighted the importance of equitable access to treatments and discussed off-label use in oncology.
Furthermore, as the community for precision cancer medicine and DRUP-like clinical trials expands, PRIME-ROSE organized an informal get-together event in Barcelona to discuss the progress of these trials and the development of precision cancer medicine field.