Upcoming PCM4EU event in Oslo

May 15, 2023 1:46 PM
Last edited:
May 15, 2023 1:45 PM

The next PCM4EU meeting will take place in Oslo, Norway on 19-20 September.

Upcoming PCM4EU event: The next PCM4EU meeting will take place in Oslo, Norway on 19-20 September. The consortium looks forward to getting together again to share updates from each work package and discuss the latest developments of the project. The meeting will partly overlap with the Acta Oncologica Nordic Precision Cancer Medicine Symposium where several PCM4EU partners will give presentations in the session about DRUP-like trails. Furthermore, directly after the PCM4EU meeting, the PRIME-ROSE kick-off will take place at the Institute for Cancer Research at the Oslo University Hospital. PRIME-ROSE is a European precision cancer medicine trial network and implementation initiative funded by the EU Cancer Mission. All these events are closely connected and presents an outstanding opportunity for PCM4EU-affiliated researchers to broaden their networks and learn more about the latest precision cancer medicine developments not only in Europe but also globally.


Upcoming PCM4EU event in Oslo

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