PCM4EU at the Molecular Analysis for Precision Oncology Congress 2023

Oct 14, 2023 9:19 PM
Last edited:
Oct 14, 2023 9:18 PM

Paris October 4 - 6

The Molecular Analysis for Precision Oncology Congress (MAP) is designed to provide new data in the field of precision oncology, molecular profiling and personalised medicine. The event aims to connect basic research and development of new technologies with medical doctors and healthcare providers, and the conference is organizedby the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) together with Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and Unicancer.

The MAP2023 congress took place in Paris on October 4-6. This year’s program covered topics such as precision medicine, cancer-stromal interactions, clonal evolution, metastatic dissemination and drug response and resistance. Furthermore, a special “RoadMAP to the Clinic” day was introduced, where more clinically-oriented aspects related to new concepts of molecular tumour classification and biomarker-driven drug development was discussed.

PCM4EU was present at the MAP conference in Paris. Bettina Ryll from Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research and WP co-lead of PCM4EU work package five,gave the talk “The patient perspective on pan-cancer trials and access to drugs” in the session “What are the current roadblocks to histology agnostic biomarker driven approvals” during the “RoadMAPto the Clinic” day on October 6. Bettina also participated in a panel debate the same day in the session “The next wave of pan-cancer clinical trials: How can we optimally run histology agnostic biomarker-driven studies”. Furthermore, Manon Antouly and Loic Verlingue, both from Centre Leon Berard in Lyon, presented the PCM4EU work-package 6 educational program during the poster session on October 4 with their poster “PCM4EU Academy: An educational program for precision oncology”.


PCM4EU at the Molecular Analysis for Precision Oncology Congress 2023

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Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
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